Friday, May 15, 2009

Mike's new life and no, it's not as dinner!

Here's Mike! He has hit the lottery. Instead of being dinner (because he's been very aggresive and even the dogs are terrified of him) he is going to go into stud service at Pedro's hacienda near our house. However, Mike ran off this morning; I'm sure he knew something was up! He was finally found on the beach by Paul and Carol's house and they managed to get him into the chicken pen. I would have paid money to watch a grown man and two dogs chasing a rooster on the beach!

Pedro just went in the cage and grabbed Mike by the wings, effectively immobilizing him.
Pedro is not a bit afraid of Mike, unlike us gringos.

The dogs are all bold now that Mike can't fight back..

Mike is giving Maya a dirty look after she sniffed his butt.
Those feet are wicked!

Mike's in the bag! The dogs are in heaven and want Pedro to drop the bag. He got Mike in there in a second and Mike was just sitting there very quietly! He is quite a vocal rooster and I'm sure it will be a lot quieter at Paul and Carol's house now that he's gone. I wonder if Judy will miss Mike? Maybe now she'll sit on some eggs. At least it will be easier to collect them without getting a vicious peck in the rear on the way out. Carol is keeping her distance, even though Mike is in the bag. Usually she has a broom when Mike is out!

I had to include this video clip. The dogs were going for Mike since he couldn't chase them and it was pretty chaotic! Pedro, of course, remained as cool as a pepino. (cucumber) He said he would give Carol a couple of chickens after Mike had his way with them. At the very end of the clip you can see Maya nipping at Mike's feet and hear him give a squawk and try to get away! Payback...

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